UP.SDK Developer's Guide

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Current chapter: Sending Notifications
Section 35 out of 61 total sections , Section 5 out of 10 sections in this chapter

How to send notifications

To send notifications, you need to follow the general steps below. Each of these steps is described in detail later in this chapter.

  1. Get the subscriber IDs of the UP.Link subscribers to whom you would like to send notifications.
  2. To send notifications to a subscriber, you must know the subscriber ID. To get the ID, you can check the HTTP headers for requests from the UP.Phone (see page 67 for more information) or ask the subscriber or UP.Link administrator.

    If you have an UP.Phone or have registered your UP.Simulator on an UP.Link Server, you can view your subscriber ID by choosing Settings>Advanced> Subscriber ID. Note that the Settings option may or may not be on the Home card for a particular UP.Link Server. You can find it under Utilities on the default devgate2 Home card.

  3. Make sure your corporate firewall allows you to send notifications.
  4. Make sure that your corporate firewall allows you to send packets to the notification port you will be using (TCP destination port 3356 for secure notifications or TCP destination port 4445 for non-secure notifications).

  5. Use one of the UP.SDK tools and libraries to send notifications.

    Platform  Tool options 


    • Language-independent Component Object Model (COM) Notification library 
    • SendNtfn tool--run this application by choosing Program Files>UP.SDK 4.0>SendNtfn Tool from the Windows Start menu 


    • C++ Notification library 
    • command-line utility sdk_installdir/bin/upnotify  
  6. The COM and C++ notifications libraries are discussed in detail later in this chapter. For more information on upnotify, invoke it with the -h option or see the UP.SDK Tools and APIs Guide.

  7. Use the UP.SDK tools and libraries to check the status of notifications you have sent.
  8. The UP.SDK tools and libraries all allow you to check the status of notifications you have sent. They also allow you to remove pending notifications.

  9. Make sure your application complies with the user interface guidelines for notifications (see page 136).

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