UP.SDK Developer's Guide

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Letting users bookmark your service

UP.Browser bookmarks are similar to conventional Web browser bookmarks. When a user bookmarks a card, the UP.Browser creates a bookmark that consists of two items:

All decks default to markable, content="true". The following example illustrates how to set a deck to be not bookmarkable:

When a user bookmarks a card, the UP.Browser automatically sets the bookmark URL to the URL for the deck. If you want to use a different URL, you can specify a <meta> element (of type vnd.up.bookmark) in the deck header using the following syntax:

<meta name="vnd.up.bookmark" content="url"/>

where url is the URL you want to use for the bookmark.

IMPORTANT     Because the UP.Apps bookmark application resides on the UP.Link Server, you must use the UP.Simulator in UP.Link mode to test your bookmarks. For more information on using the UP.Simulator, see the UP.SDK Tools and APIs Guide.

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