UP.SDK Developer's Guide

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Current chapter: Interacting with Other Services
Section 49 out of 61 total sections , Section 4 out of 4 sections in this chapter

Providing a registered service

If you want to let users register your email, address book, or To Do service in the Service Registry, display a card that lets the user request the following URL:


Argument  Description 

The registry category for your service (Email, AddrBook, ToDo, or FaxHTML). 


The URL for your service. 


The service name that the device displays to the user. 

For example, suppose you want users to be able to register your service as an address book and your service has the following URL:


You could use a WML deck similar to the following to register it:

Figure  7-6.     the user to register a service

To properly implement a registered service, it must support the minimum functionality and interface for its service category (described on page 112 for email services, page 113 for address book services, and page 118 for To Do services).

Security issues for registered services

In addition to supporting the functionality and interface described in the sections above, registered services should observe security precautions to protect users and themselves. You should use the following guidelines when you implement a service that users can register:

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