UP.SDK Developer's Guide

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Current chapter: Dynamic WML Services
Section 27 out of 61 total sections , Section 9 out of 9 sections in this chapter

Identifying your service to the UP.Link Server

The UP.Link Server maintains a transaction log of UP.Phone requests; each log entry specifies information such as the transaction date and time, the subscriber ID, and the domain of the requested URL. It can also include a service identifier, if you provide it. The service identifier is not required. However, it helps the UP.Link administrator track requests, which is useful if you have a billing arrangement with the UP.Link provider.

To provide a service identifier, set the x-up-service HTTP header to a string that identifies your service. For example, the following HTTP response identifies the service that originated it as "myservice."

x-up-service: myservice

If you are using the UP.SDK Perl library to generate a digest, you can add the x-up-service header by including a line similar to the following before calling AppUtils::OutputDigest():


If you are using the UP.SDK C library to generate a digest, you can add the x-up-service header by including a DigestAddHeader() call similar to the following before calling DigestSerialize():


If you are using the UP.SDK C library to send a fax, you can add the x-up-service header by including a FaxResponseAddHeader() call similar to the following before calling FaxResponseSerialize():


The following sample application provides examples of how to use the C library functions to set the x-up-service header:


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